Karl Marx’s The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte is a text published in 1852 to analyze Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte’s...
Here we are talking about economics and sustainable finance, environment, social responsibility … “but not only”!
Since its birth in 2017, this blog has been meant to be a place of breathing and freedom. So yes, we can also speak here of art or literature …
Let’s rebuild from the business !
In an article published yesterday in Le Monde, the two consultants Antoine Foucher and Jean-Dominique Simonpoli call...
“Réchauffement des esprits” (heating minds)
In the context created in France by President Macron's astonishing decision to dissolve the National Assembly, this...
Compromise in trilogues
The documentary (in French) will remain available until October 27, 2024 on the ArteTV streaming platform: “The...
The “AI Act”
We call it the “AI Act”: it definitly sounds more “Tech” than “European regulation on artificial intelligence”! This...
All I ever need ?…
The new Ipad Pro stands out for its finesse and its OLED screen. It will be available in stores from this Wednesday,...
The sleeping blog
More than eighteen months of silence on this blog! No sound anymore, no image! One day, I learned “on the grapevine”...
What do we really care about ?
Doing rightly so, the French press has multiplied this week the laudatory articles on the occasion of the...
Nord Stream 2 : a turning point
By announcing the suspension of the authorization for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline – which was supposed to be...