The sleeping blog

by | 10 May 2024 | Governance

More than eighteen months of silence on this blog! No sound anymore, no image!

One day, I learned “on the grapevine” that one of my dear friends had felt hurt by one of my “mood posts”. I should rather say “bad mood post” in this case, even if they are rare that could be qualified as such.

I never wanted to hurt anyone. I unpublished the disputed post. But discovering that a friendship could not survive a few words thrown there affected me, I confess.

Friendship OR freedom? Cruel dilemma!

Without stopping writing, I stopped publishing.

When it was active, this blog found a fairly young audience (two thirds of the readers had less than thirty years of memory), probably the fruit of my activities in the field of education in a university environment.

I was speaking about subjects that are close to my heart, let’s say to cast a wide net on “social responsibility” in its various forms. A little art and literature too, as everything is linked. Many told me they loved his unique character and his intellectual honesty.

He will live again!

In January 2023, an IFOP survey for the Jean-Jaurès foundation and the Reboot foundation warned about young people’s relationship with science and certain conspiracy theories.

On first reading, the results appeared alarming, six out of ten young people believing it possible that the Earth is flat, more than one in four believing in creationism and almost one in two thinking that astrology is a science…

By digging a little deeper, the survey actually revealed itself to be a little biased: the sample questioned, the binary responses, the age group chosen, whereas between 11 and 24 years old, we evolve a lot. As a result, young people were easily passed off as dark idiots.

I never had the feeling that this generation (let’s say the “millennials” for short) was more “dumb” than the previous ones. And when we look at certain TV shows – even on quality news channels – which look more like nursing homes than real places of discussion for today, it seems to me that a little humility …


How to position yourself as a citizen, facing the shift of our societies into the so-called “post-truth” era, a term coined by Steve Tesich in an article published in 1992 in the American magazine The Nation and democratized in 2004 by Ralph Keyes’s book “The post-truth era”?


On the sustainability of our economic models, on artificial intelligence, on the growing inequalities, the development of my training activities requires more intelligence work.


Yes, this blog will be revived. And perhaps, why not, open up to other writers?


And it will be friendship AND freedom.