I don’t know if there will be a day after …
But from a personal perspective, I already see some kind of side effects of confinement: I caught myself this morning talking to an apple tree!
It was with an oak that Brassens lived happily. But my apple tree is not nothing either!
It had been given to us a few years ago by very dear friends. I then planted it on sandy soil, like that found here in the Drôme, and which appeals to asparagus, and especially truffles.
But not too much to apple trees!
Last January, I had to observe his clinical death: no more root system.
By any chance, I replanted it, as we do a stake, in another place in the garden, covered with a kind of blond peat, of a fibrous texture. Probably few minerals and a low density, but an important capacity of water retention … a real vegetable sponge!
His oak, Brassens regretted having taken his eyes of it.
But our little apple tree seems to have liked its almost solitary confinement: in the middle of the dried out branches, it is covered with pretty green leaves, demonstrating the tremendous resilience of plant systems.
Tomorrow, June 11, the World Congress of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) should have opened in Marseille. For reasons that are easy to understand, the IUCN and the French government decided to postpone it it from January 7 to 15, 2021.
Let’s meet in Marseille at that time?
And I will give you news of my apple tree!
Iconography: Resilient apple tree, Drôme, France (personal collection)

After working as an international banker for emerging countries, Laurent Lascols became global head of country risk / sovereign risk (from 2008 to 2013) then global director of public affairs (from 2014 to 2019) for Societe Generale. In 2021, he founded Aristote, an advisory firm and training organization dedicated to environmental economics, sustainable finance and impact finance.